$5 Yoga at the Bank (Bellevue)
$5 Yoga at the Bank (Bellevue)
Unavailable $5.00
Umpqua Bank's new Community Lounge at Old Bellevue has offered, once again, to host our humble classes October through May! I'm so thrilled to partner with this amazing team, as they have offered such thoughtful support to the YOGA IN THE PARK community.
These classes are perfect for beginners! I teach in the style of Shiva Rea, which is a slow, nourishing flow with deep breathwork, in which you can go at your own pace. This is such a fun community. It's a great way to meet friends, chat wellness, breathe and gently move the body. Old Main Street in Bellevue is just one block away so perfect for friends to practice on Saturdays and then choose a place for a coffee, matcha or a fun brunch after class.
*Cancellation notification will be emailed.
*Refunds for YOGA AT THE BANK will be given, upon request, only the event of class cancellation.
*By purchasing any YOGA IN AT THE BANK PRODUCT you are confirming your acceptance of the Waiver of Liability.